How to wire 10/100Mbps Ethernet to T335X module?
Since the T335x Module is only 10/100 we would like to use a lower cost 10/100 ethernet jack without magnetics and without LEDs instead of an integrated Gbe jack.
Could you recommend how to wire a non-integrated 10/100 jack?
i.e. which Module signal name goes to which cable side pin.

The Ethernet PHY that we are using on SMARC T335X is LAN8720A from SMSC (Microchip now). We suggest you take a look at the attached files for better references. Please use MDI0 and MDI1 for 10/100Mbps connection.

Attached files: en562793.pdf, EVB8720 Evaluation Board Schematic.pdf

Tags: Ethernet
Last update:
2014-08-25 17:13
Eric Lee
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