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General hardware design questions of SMARC T335X
- When will be available the SMARC T437X hardware software section?
(21290 views) - How to wire 10/100Mbps Ethernet to T335X module?
Since the T335x Module is only 10/100 we would like to use a lower cost 10/100 ethernet jack without magnetics and without LEDs instead of an integrated Gbe jack.
Could you recommend how to wire a non-integrated 10/100 jack?
i.e. which Module signal name goes to which cable side pin.
(12077 views) - RESET_IN# :
The SCH_SBC-SMART-BEE schematic, page 13 shows a reset generator powered by the +3.3V. Is this reset generator on the +3.3V needed if neither the manual reset nor the watchdog timer functionality is used? Do you recommend including the +3.3V reset generator even if the manual reset and the watchdog timer are not used? Is there any reason or situation where it would be useful for the Carrier to reset the Module?
(24674 views) - CARRIER_PWR_ON:
Does the Module fully boot up before asserting CARRER_PWR_ON?
(24159 views) - VDD_IO_SEL#:
SMARC_T335x_Carrier_Board_Hardware_Design_Guide section 3.3, Figure 37: Power Block Diagram and the text on the following page seem to me to show that VDD_IO_SEL# will turn off Module power on the Module, and the Carrier does not need to do this. The SCH_SBC-SMART-BEE schematic shows the carrier turning off VDD_MOD if VDD_IO_SEL# is low.
Is the Carrier required to turn off the Module power in addition to the Carrier power if this signal is pulled low for the T335X Module?
(38033 views) - VIN_PWR_BAD#:
Can VIN_PWR_BAD# be pulled up to VDD_MOD? In other words is an OVP and UVP IC required?
General hardware design questions of SMARC T335X