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Technical Questions of SMARC T335X Linux Development
- I'm trying to use SPI master capability of SMARC-T4378.
HW setup
1. SMARC-T4378
2. EVK-STD-CARRIER with populated second ETH
3. oscilloscope monitoring at carrier board SPI0.0 SPI0.1 SPI1.0 SPI1.1
Many combination tried
-The standard kernel from delivered SDCARD
- Self build kernel from embedian GIT - it seems that SPI master is enable by default. McSPI is also enabled when I check with menuconfig
- arago rootfs tar.gz downloaded from embedian.
In user space I can see /dev/spidev2.0 /dev/spidev2.1 /dev/spidev3.0 /dev/spidev3.1
Write to this devices from C returns no error but I dont see any activity on EVM_STD_CARRIER SPI connectors.
Comments, suggestion, remarks are welcome.
Thanks in advance,
Mirtcho Maglijanov
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# echo 7 > /sys/class/gpio/export
that gives me the device busy error.
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Technical Questions of SMARC T335X Linux Development