On this page:

Building Freescale/Embedian’s Android O8.1.0_1.3.0 BSP Distribution

Eric Lee

version 1.0a, 4/23/2019


This document describes how to build and deploy Android Oreo on the SMARC-iMX8M. It is based on NXP's IMX8M_O8.1.0_1.3.0 8MQ GA ANDROID release.

Generating SSH Keys

In order to download u-boot and kernel from Embedian. We recommend you use SSH keys to establish a secure connection between your computer and Embedian Gitlab server. The steps below will walk you through generating an SSH key and then adding the public key to our Gitlab account. 

Step 1. Check for SSH keys

First, we need to check for existing ssh keys on your computer. Open up Git Bash and run: 

$ cd ~/.ssh
$ ls
# Lists the files in your .ssh directory

 Check the directory listing to see if you have a file named either id_rsa.pub or id_dsa.pub. If you don't have either of those files go to step 2. Otherwise, you already have an existing keypair, and you can skip to step 3. 

Step 2. Generate a new SSH key

 To generate a new SSH key, enter the code below. We want the default settings so when asked to enter a file in which to save the key, just press enter.

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "your_email@example.com"
# Creates a new ssh key, using the provided email as a label
# Generating public/private rsa key pair.
# Enter file in which to save the key (/c/Users/you/.ssh/id_rsa): [Press enter]
$ ssh-add id_rsa

 Now you need to enter a passphrase.

Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): [Type a passphrase]
Enter same passphrase again: [Type passphrase again]

 Which should give you something like this:

Your identification has been saved in /c/Users/you/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /c/Users/you/.ssh/id_rsa.pub.
The key fingerprint is:
01:0f:f4:3b:ca:85:d6:17:a1:7d:f0:68:9d:f0:a2:db your_email@example.com

Step 3. Add your SSH key to Embedian Gitlab Server

 Copy the key to your clipboard.

$ cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAABDAQABAAABAQDQUEnh8uGpfxaZVU6+uE4bsDrs/tEE5/BPW7jMAxak
6jlxSFnKcONAcfMTWkTXeG/OgeGeG5kZdtqryRtOlGmOeuQe1dd3I+Zz3JyT your_email@example.c

Go to Embedian Git Server. At Profile Setting --> SSH Keys --> Add SSH Key 

Paste your public key and press "Add Key" and your are done.

Overview of this document

The objective of this document is to guide SMARC-iMX8M Android developers to obtain Android O8.1.0_1.3.0_8mq_ga Oreo sources, setting up host environment, compilation and deployment.

This document contains instructions for:

Hardware Requirement


Host (PC) setup requirements

The host development environment for Android is based on Ubuntu and Debian, please install Ubuntu version 16.04 64bit LTS http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop or Debian 9.6 64bit https://www.debian.org/releases

Do not use other Ubuntu or Debian releases, than recommended above.

Install required packages on host PC

$ sudo apt-get -y install git-core gnupg flex bison gperf build-essential zip curl zlib1g-dev gcc-multilib g++-multilib $ sudo apt-get -y install libc6-dev-i386 lib32ncurses5-dev x11proto-core-dev libx11-dev lib32z-dev ccache libgl1-mesa-dev libxml2-utils $ sudo apt-get -y install xsltproc unzip mtd-utils u-boot-tools lzop liblzo2-2 liblzo2-dev zlib1g-dev liblz-dev uuid uuid-dev android-tools-fsutils

Install the OpenJDK

$ sudo apt-get update 
$ sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk

Update the default Java version by running:

$ sudo update-alternatives --config java 
$ sudo update-alternatives --config javac

The build machine should have at least 50GB of free space to complete the build process.

Obtain Source Code

Get NXP's Android Release Package

Go to NXP's website, download IMX8MQ_O8.1.0_1.3.0_ANDROID_SOURCE_BSP (filename: imx-o8.1.0_1.3.0_8m.tar.gz and put into your ~/downloads directory.

$ cd ~/downloads
$ tar xvfz imx-o8.1.0_1.3.0_8m.tar.gz

Obtain Google Android Oreo O8.1.0_r14 source code and Apply NXP's patch

$ mkdir -p ~/android/smarcimx8m/o_810_130 
$ cd ~/android/smarcimx8m/o_810_130
$ mkdir ~/bin 
$ curl http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/bin/repo 
$ chmod a+x ~/bin/repo 
$ export PATH=~/bin:$PATH 
$ mv ~/download/imx-o8.1.0_1.3.0_8m .
$ source imx-o8.1.0_1.3.0_8m/imx_android_setup.sh

After done, it will create an android_build directory. Go to this directory.

Clone Embedian's U-Boot and Linux kernel sources

$ cd ~/android/smarcimx8m/o_810_130/android_build
$ mkdir -p vendor/embedian
$ cd vendor/embedian
$ git clone git@git.embedian.com:developer/smarc-t335x-uboot.git uboot-imx -b smarc-imx_v2017.03_o8.1.0_1.3.0_8m
$ git clone git@git.embedian.com:developer/smarc-fsl-linux-kernel.git kernel_imx -b smarc-o8.1.0_1.3.0_8m-ga

Apply Embedian's patches for  i.MX8M platforms

$ cd ~/android/smarcimx8m/o_810_130/android_build/device
$ git clone git@git.embedian.com:developer/smarc-imx8m-android.git embedian -b smarc-o8.1.0_1.3.0_8m
$ embedian/scripts/install.sh

Build Android Images

Change to Android top level directory.
$ export MY_ANDROID=~/android/smarcimx8m/o_810_130/android_build
$ cd ${MY_ANDROID}
$ source build/envsetup.sh
$ export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64
$ export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin/:$PATH
$ lunch smarc_mx8m-eng
$ lunch smarc_mx8m-userdebug
$ make -j4 2>&1 | tee build1-1.log

userdebug build creates a debuggable version of Android. eng build creates an engineering version of Android. Development mode enable and development tools are available on target.

Images created by the Android build for SMARC-iMX8M system

The images created are located at out/target/product/smarc_mx8m/ directory.


U-Boot for eMMC/SD card boot for SMARC-iMX8M-D/Q-2G

Other SMARC variants could be defined at device/embedian/smarc_mx8m/BoardConfig.mk

boot-<name>.imgBoot image for SMARC-iMX8M
partition-table.imgGPT table image for 16GB SD card and eMMC.
partition-table-7GB.imgGPT table image for 8GB SD card and eMMC.
partition-table-28GB.imgGPT table image for 28GB SD card and eMMC.
system.imgSystem Boot image
vbmeta-<name>.img Android Verified Boot metadata Image for SMARC-iMX8M to support HDMI output
vendor.img Vendor image

fsl-smarcimx8mq Support no display configuration.

 fsl-smarcimx8mq-hdmi Support HDMI display configuration (DCSS).

 fsl-smarcimx8mq-hdmi-4k Support HDMI 4k display configuration (DCSS).

 fsl-smarcimx8mq-lcdif-lvds Support LCDIF LVDS display configuration.

 fsl-smarcimx8mq-dcss-lvds Support DCSS LVDS display configuration.

 fsl-smarcimx8mq-dual-display Support dual LVDS+HDMI display configuration.


i.MX8M comes with 2 display controllers: DCSS and LCDIF.

 DCSS can be connected to either HDMI or MIPI-DSI (to LVDS bridge) and supports resolutions up to 4K.

 LCDIF can be connected only to MIPI-DSI and supports resolutions up to 1080p.

The default configuration for SMARC-iMX8M variant is SMARC-iMX8M-D-2G. If users used other variant, make changes at device/embedian/smarc_mx8m/BoardConfig.mk. Find "TARGET_BOOTLOADER_CONFIG" and change the u-boot defconfig file. 

U-Boot defconfig file

If your LPDDR4 is 2GB commercial temperature, use smarcima8mq_2g:smarcimx8mq_2g_ser3_android_defconfig

If youtLPDDR4 is 2GB industrial temperature, use smarcima8mq_2g_ind:smarcimx8mq_2g_ser3_ind_android_defconfig.

If youtLPDDR4 is 4GB industrial temperature, use smarcima8mq_4g:smarcimx8mq_4g_ser3_android_defconfig.

"ser3" stands for the debug output port that is defined in SMARC specification.

Setup SD card

 Prepare for an SD card and insert into your Linux host PC

$ cp smarc-mksdcard.sh out/target/product/smarc_mx8m/ 
$ cd out/target/product/smarc_mx8m/ 
$ chmod a+x smarc-mksdcard.sh 
$ sudo ./smarc-mksdcard.sh -f <name> /dev/sdX; sync




fsl-smarcimx8mq Support no display configuration.

 fsl-smarcimx8mq-hdmi Support HDMI display configuration (DCSS).

 fsl-smarcimx8mq-hdmi-4k Support HDMI 4k display configuration (DCSS).

 fsl-smarcimx8mq-lcdif-lvds Support LCDIF LVDS display configuration.

 fsl-smarcimx8mq-dcss-lvds Support DCSS LVDS display configuration.

 fsl-smarcimx8mq-dual-display Support dual LVDS+HDMI display configuration.

  1. The minimum size of the SD card is 8 GB.
  2. /dev/sdX, the X is the disk index from 'a' to 'z'. That may be different on each computer running Linux OS.

  3. If the SD card is 16 GB, use "sudo ./smarc-mksdcard.sh -f <name> /dev/sdX" to flash images.

  4. If the SD card is 8 GB, use "sudo ./smarc-mksdcard.sh -f <name> -c 7 /dev/sdX" to flash images.
  5. If the SD card is 32 GB, use "sudo ./smarc-mksdcard.sh -f <name> -c 28 /dev/sdX" to flash images.
  6. The default SMARC variant is SMARC-iMX8M-2G. If using other SMARC variants, make sure to change bootloader_file in smarc-mksdcard.sh before setting up SD card.

Insert the SD card into your device, set the BOOT_SEL to "ON OFF OFF" and shut cross the TEST# pin to Ground. You will be able to see Android booting up. For eMMC boot, leave the TEST# floating and the BOOT_SEL should be set as "OFF ON ON". The next section will instruct you to flash eMMC.

Setup eMMC

Setup eMMC for Android is a bit complex, but trivial. There are a couple of ways to achieve it. 

Use MFGTool

NXP/Freescale provides with a way to boot up, partition, format, and program images into eMMC. User can go to NXP's website to download MFGTool (android_O8.1.0_1.3.0_8M_tools.tar.gz) and follow their guide to achieve it. It is a quick and easy tool for downloading images. See AndroidTM Quick Start Guide (AQSUG) for a detailed description of MFGTool. We will leave it to users if you would like to use this method to set up your eMMC. Make sure that the FORCE_RECOV# pin has to be shunt to Ground when using this tool. 

Use a Ubuntu 16.04 Bootable SD card

The second way that we also recommend is to make a bootable Ubuntu 16.04 SD card for SMARC-iMX8M. User go to our   Linux Development Site  to learn how to make a bootable Ubuntu 16.04 SD card. An pre-built images can be downloaded from our ftp site. Users can download those images and follow the "Setup SD card" section from our Linux development site. Once it done, you can copy the smarc-mksdcard.sh script and all Android images (u-boot-smarcimx8mq-2g.imx, partition-table.img, boot-<name>.img, vbmeta-<name>.img, system.img, vendor.img) into your home directory. Follow exactly what you did for SD card, but now, eMMC device will be emulated as /dev/mmcblk0.  

$ sudo ./smarc-mksdcard.sh -f <name> /dev/mmcblk0; sync




fsl-smarcimx8mq Support no display configuration.

 fsl-smarcimx8mq-hdmi Support HDMI display configuration (DCSS).

 fsl-smarcimx8mq-hdmi-4k Support HDMI 4k display configuration (DCSS).

 fsl-smarcimx8mq-lcdif-lvds Support LCDIF LVDS display configuration.

 fsl-smarcimx8mq-dcss-lvds Support DCSS LVDS display configuration.

 fsl-smarcimx8mq-dual-display Support dual LVDS+HDMI display configuration.

Power off and set BOOT_SEL to "OFF ON ON", leave the TEST# pin floating and you will be able to boot up your Android from on-module eMMC.

Use USB Fastboot

The third way is to use Android USB fast boot. This way will work only when the on-module eMMC is partitioned and formatted. To partition and format the on-module eMMC. You can use the SD card mentioned above.


$ sudo ./smarc-mksdcard.sh -nf /dev/mmcblk0

Once you have your on-module eMMC partitioned and formatted.

On your Linux host PC, you need to install Android tools.


$ sudo apt-get install android-tools-adb android-tools-fastboot

Connect the device with host PC at fastboot mode:

  1. Connect a USB OTG cable from the target board OTG port to a your host machine USB HOST port.
  2. Power up the board and hit return/space to stop the boot at U-Boot.
  3. type fastboot in the U-Boot command line.

On the Host PC:

$ sudo fastboot flash boot_a out/target/product/smarc_mx8m/boot-<name>.img
$ sudo fastboot flash boot_b out/target/product/smarc_mx8m/boot-<name>.img
$ sudo fastboot flash system out/target/product/smarc_mx8m/system.img
$ sudo fastboot flash vbmeta_a out/target/product/smarc_mx8m/vbmeta-<name>.img
$ sudo fastboot flash vbmeta_b out/target/product/smarc_mx8m/vbmeta-<name>.img
$ sudo fastboot reboot

Android Recovery Mode

Enter board in Android Recovery mode

Shunt LID# pin to ground will enter Android Recovery mode.

Update Android Firmware

Generate OTA Packages

For generating "OTA" packages, use the following commands:

$ cd ${MY_ANDROID}
$ make PRODUCT=smarc_mx8m-eng -j4 otapackage 2>&1 | tee build1-1.log

Install OTA Packages to device 

  1. Enter to Android Recovery mode
  2. Select menu item "apply update from ADB" 
  3. To the host system, perform the following command:
$ out/host/linux-x86/bin/adb sideload out/target/product/smarc_mx8m/smarc_mx8m-ota-<data>-<name>.zip

Reboot the device.

Real example name for OTA package: out/target/product/smarc_mx8m/smarc_mx8m-ota-20180416-fsl-smarcimx8mq-hdmi.zip

Manual Operations

Build boot.img

 When you perform changes to the kernel, you may build boot.img solely instead of building the whole Android.

$ cd ${MY_ANDROID}
$ source build/envsetup.sh
$ export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64
$ export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin/:$PATH
$ lunch smarc_mx8m-eng
$ lunch smarc_mx8m-userdebug
$ make bootimage

Toolchain setup for manual build kernel and U-Boot

 Setup the toolchain path to point to arm-eabi- tools in prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-eabi-4.8/bin

$ export ARCH=arm
$ export CROSS_COMPILE=${MY_ANDROID}/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/aarch64/aarch64-linux-android-4.9/bin/aarch64-linux-android-

Manual build Bootloader

 Change directory to U-Boot

$ cd ${MY_ANDROID}/vendor/embedian/uboot-imx

Execute following commands:

$ make distclean
$ make smarcimx8mq_2g_ser3_android_defconfig
$ make -j4

U-Boot defconfig file

If your LPDDR4 is 2GB commercial temperature, use smarcima8mq_2g:smarcimx8mq_2g_ser3_android_defconfig

If youtLPDDR4 is 2GB industrial temperature, use smarcima8mq_2g_ind:smarcimx8mq_2g_ser3_ind_android_defconfig.

If youtLPDDR4 is 4GB industrial temperature, use smarcima8mq_4g:smarcimx8mq_4g_ser3_android_defconfig.

"ser3" stands for the debug output port that is defined in SMARC specification.

It will generate u-boot.imx file.

Manual build Android Linux Kernel and modules


$ cd ${MY_ANDROID}/vendor/embedian/kernel_imx 
$ make distclean
$ make smarcimx8m_android_defconfig
$ make KCFLAGS=-mno-android

The kernel images are found in ${MY_ANDROID}/vendor/embedian/kernel_imx/arch/arm64/boot/Image

version 1.0a,4/23/2019

Last updated 2019-04-23