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ARM Cortex Computing Platform

Shipping Information

Shipping via Embedian DHL, UPS or FeDEX account
When you confirm the item you would like to purchase, you could ask our sales representative to offer you the infomation of shipping cost or find this information during ordering process in our website. The shipping cost will be added in the Proforma invoice. It usually takes three days shipping from our Taipei warehouse to the United States or Europe Union area. You will then get a confirmation that your order is complete and tracking information to follow your merchandise.
Each order shipping may be subject to brokerage fees, duties and government taxes. The customer is responsible to pay for all and any of these fees, duties and tax as Embedian does not include any of these costs in our charges.
Shipping via Customer’s own Courier Account or Forwarder
If customers preferred to use your own courier acount, please address this information in your purchase order. If customers have local forwarder, please also tell our sales representative this information. We will ask them to pick up when the order is ready for shipping.
Your IP Address is: